From: Novak Suzanne (5P4) West Hertfordshire PCT
Sent: 12 June 2008 14:11
To: Plummer Michele (5P4) West Hertfordshire PCT
Cc: Walden Christine (5P4) West Hertfordshire PCT; Power Katrina (5P4) West Hertfordshire PCT; Dr Mary McMinn; Jeffries Candy (5P4) West Hertfordshire PCT - NHSMail
Subject: WH PBC Leads - Primary prevention register targets

Dear Michele


Please could you add this to the agenda for the WH PBC Leads meeting – under AOB if necessary – to get a view?


Many thanks




Suzanne Novak

Assistant Director of Commissioning (PBC)

West Herts PCT


Mobile: 07831 481255

From: Candy Jeffries []
Sent: 10 June 2008 16:09
To: Novak Suzanne (5P4) West Hertfordshire PCT; Poulain Nicky (5P3) East and North Hertfordshire PCT; Joyce Rachel (5P3) East and North Hertfordshire PCT; Power Katrina (5P4) West Hertfordshire PCT;; May Zoe (5P3) East and North Hertfordshire PCT;
Subject: Primary prevention register targets



Dear All,

The SHA are asking us to set a target for each PCT on the number of practices with a high risk CVD register by the end of March 09.

Clearly, in order to do this we need to know how you are getting on and what you consider to be a realistic target for your locality.

So, is it possible to know what each locality plans? Are they all taking up the LES? (I know S Herts are keen and have 2 practices desperate to sign up as soon as you have a sign up sheet). How else are they going to do it? Free of charge? Buying software to develop the register? I am happy to speak to GP/PBC groups and to offer practical help such as recruiting Beacon practices as in S Herts and sending in a practice nurse to advise. Let me know what you think your PBCs need.

I don't want to put you down for an unreachable target, so please let me know what you think is reasonable and how you will be achieving it.

Best wishes

Candy Jeffries
Assistant Director
Beds and Herts Heart and Stroke Network
Queensborough House
Friars Walk

01582 708286
07957 588229